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Municipal Building Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-09-29
Town of Newbury
Municipal Building Committee


DATE:   September 29, 2014      Approved as written, 10/23/2014

Present:        Eric Svahn, Chair; Sam Joslin; John Lucey, Jr.; Richard Ronder; Martha Taylor
Absent: Tracy Blais; Mike Doyle; Steve Fram
Guests: Chuck Bear and Damon Jespersen, Selectmen

Eric Svahn, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:10 a.m.

  • Meeting Minutes:
Motion:  A motion was made by J. Lucey and seconded by R. Ronder to approve the meeting minutes of August 21, 2014.  The motion passed with four in favor (E. Svahn, J. Lucey, R. Ronder, M. Taylor) and one abstention (S. Joslin, who was not present at that meeting).

  • Site Options:
  • Septic/Sewer Considerations:
S. Joslin reported that T. Blais is arranging for a perc test to be done on the Town Forest site.  The site will need to support a conventional system; alternative systems, such as the Presby Environmental system, can only be used for existing systems which are in failure.  E. Svahn will follow up with T. Blais regarding the possibility of tying into the Governor’s Academy wastewater treatment plant if the Governor’s site is selected for the Police Department.

  • Cost Considerations:
The Committee discussed potential issues associated with buying and retrofitting an existing commercial building to house Town Hall and potentially the Police Department as well.  The cost of converting commercial space into specialized, hardened space for some of the police functions could be substantial.  The cost to the Town of maintaining an additional building also needs to be considered.

  • Comparables:
J. Lucey met with the Salisbury Police Chief and has obtained a copy of the preliminary feasibility report for the new Salisbury Police Station.  E. Svahn is preparing a comparison of the Salisbury and Newbury space needs programs.

  • Capital Planning Committee (CPC):
The Committee members discussed the process for getting the Police Station/Town Hall project on the CPC’s priority list.

  • Communications:
Chief Michael Reilly has written a letter of support for what is identified in the CSS/MBC Report as Option #2 – a new Police Station and Town Hall on the Town Hall site – which he feels best meets the space needs of the Police Department.  The Planning Board has written a letter recommending that Town Hall and the Police Station continue to be located on the Upper Green and as close to each other as possible for administrative efficiency.
On a motion made by S. Joslin and seconded by M. Taylor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha L. Taylor, Town Planner
MBC Secretary